Thursday, June 14, 2012

Home Sweet Home

I am now a resident of 568 Friends Way.

I am renting this lovely duplex from the High School Principal.  (Every time I write the word “principal” I have to think, “The principal is my PAL,” so I don’t get the spelling mixed up with “principle.”  Recently I was told that my poor spelling is probably due to the fact that I learned to read using phonics.  I loved my hooked on phonics growing up.  Each time I sounded out a word, I felt so accomplished whether or not it inhibited my spelling skills.)
It is almost as fancy as the duplex that was the original home of HaCha.   
Here is my living room.  You can see that the permanent tenant has a new baby.  That is not my jungle swing.

And, here is my kitchen.  It’s pretty big, but no disposal.  (Louisa, you know how much I love a good disposal!)

And my room.  

 There are two things to note in this photo.  One, this photo was taken at night, without a flash, when my room was as dark as I could get it using curtains, a sheet, and a towel.  Two, the bed is tall, but most of that height comes from the quilt, two comforters, and standby blanket on the bed.  Utilities are really expensive here, so Principal told me not to run the heat excessively.  One of the comforters and the standby blanket are probably actually unnecessary.  All I really need to fall asleep anyway are my sleeping socks.
One of the great perks of living where I do is the view out my bedroom window.   
 That’s right, it’s the famous Alaska State Troopers.  Tyler has already instructed me to walk next door and meet the ones that have been on the show.  I’ll work on that.


  1. Haha Abby this made my morning! I hope a polar bear doesn't eat your sleeping socks!

    1. I hope there are no polar bears in my house!
