Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I believe I previously posted a picture of the little 24 hour restaurant and convenience store next door to my house, but for you personal reference.

This is the Uutuku.  When I read it, I said oo-tOO-koo, accent on the 2nd “oo.”  I have since learned that this is not correct, and everyone will look at you like you are ignorant for not being able to pronounce such a simple word correctly.  It is suppose to be OO-tuh-koo, accent on the 1st “oo,” and the second syllable has no “oo” at all.  What is an Uutuku?  Is that like an Eskimo thing?  I’m glad you asked.  According to Wikipedia, an Uutuku is a spirit.  It can be good or it can be devilishly mischievous.  The word actually comes from Somerian mythology in the Middle East.  So, I’m not exactly sure how they came up with it.
On Monday, I was looking at all the food I have left.  I packed all my food in my suitcases to bring up here, in case I haven’t mentioned that yet.  Everything is so expensive here that it was cheaper to bring it with me.  So, I was counting the number of lunches and dinners I have food left for.  For those of you who know me well, this will not come as a surprise and will, in fact, seem like a mundane task in Abby’s everyday life.
I counted all the meals and saw that I have more than enough food to get me through the end of my stay.  Now the important thing is for me to try every restaurant in town before I leave.  There are like seven restaurants here in town, most of which are owned by Korean people and serve some sort of Chinese food.  I decided to start close to home with the Uutuku.
I walked into the tiny convenience store and placed me order: Orange chicken, Steamed rice, and an Egg roll.  I took it to go and made the 50 yard trek back home.

I opened the promising little containers to find immaculate presentation.

Look at those perfectly round rice balls and orange slice garnishes.
This was definitely enough for two people.  So, I served myself up a rice and some chicken plus my Egg Roll. I love Egg Rolls! 

It was tasty-taste.  The rice was perfectly sticky.  The egg roll could have been crispier, but it was good.  The chicken was good.  The sauce was good and zesty but a little too sweet for me.  I will be comparing to the other local joints.  We will see who is victorious.

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